Why and How to Install RPM Packages on Ubuntu

Nov 14, 2023

When it comes to managing software packages on your Ubuntu system, you are likely to come across packages in various formats. One such format is RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), commonly used in Red Hat-based Linux distributions like Fedora and CentOS. While Ubuntu primarily uses DEB packages, there could be instances where you may need to install an RPM package on Ubuntu.

Understanding RPM Packages

RPM packages are self-contained archives that include software, scripts, and metadata required for installation. They offer a simple way to distribute software, making it easier for administrators and users to install and manage applications.

Why Install RPM Packages on Ubuntu?

There can be several reasons why you may need to install RPM packages on your Ubuntu system. One possible scenario is when you find software available only in RPM format and not in DEB format. In such situations, being able to install RPM packages on Ubuntu can be a lifesaver.

Additionally, you might have access to certain software that provides an RPM package specifically intended for Ubuntu. While this may seem counterintuitive, there could be valid reasons behind it. Some developers and organizations may choose to distribute software in RPM format, even for Ubuntu, due to their packaging processes or specific requirements.

Methods to Install RPM Packages on Ubuntu

1. Using Alien

Alien is a useful tool that allows conversion between different package formats, including RPM to DEB. By leveraging Alien, you can easily convert RPM packages into DEB format for easy installation on Ubuntu. Follow the steps below:

  1. Install Alien by running the following command in your terminal:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install alien
  1. Once Alien is installed, navigate to the directory where the RPM package is located.
  2. Convert the RPM package to DEB using the following command:
sudo alien package.rpm
  1. After successful conversion, you can then install the DEB package by executing the following command:
sudo dpkg -i package.deb

Using Alien can be an effective way to install RPM packages on Ubuntu. However, it is important to note that converting packages between formats may not always guarantee seamless compatibility. It is wise to check for any potential issues or conflicts before proceeding with the installation.

2. Using RPM directly (not recommended)

While it is possible to directly install RPM packages on Ubuntu using the rpm command, this method is not recommended. Ubuntu's package management system is designed around DEB packages, and using RPM packages can lead to inconsistencies and dependency conflicts.

However, if you still prefer to use RPM directly, follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure the rpm package is installed on your Ubuntu system by running:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install rpm
  1. Navigate to the directory where the RPM package is located.
  2. Install the RPM package using the following command:
sudo rpm -i package.rpm

While this method may work in some cases, it is highly recommended to use the Alien method described earlier to ensure better compatibility and avoid potential issues.

In Conclusion

Installing RPM packages on Ubuntu can be a useful skill to have, especially when encountering software that is only available in RPM format or distributed as an RPM package specifically intended for Ubuntu systems. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can install RPM packages on Ubuntu with ease.

However, it is crucial to exercise caution when dealing with packages from different formats, as compatibility and dependency concerns may arise. Always ensure to verify the source and suitability of the RPM package before installation, and consider using the Alien tool for converting RPM packages to DEB format for better support within the Ubuntu ecosystem.

Remember, having the ability to install RPM packages on Ubuntu expands your software choices and empowers you to work with a wider range of applications, providing you with additional flexibility and options.

install rpm ubuntu